Looking for something special for your tank? Want that unusual fish that catches the eye and starts a conversation? Looking for a new challenge for your aquarium?
The Aquarium Factory stocks many rare and unusual fish in store. Our stock varies greatly, which means you will always find something new and spectacular in our massive display tanks. From rare marine fish to unusual freshwater fish, to tropical and fancy goldfish, you will find the perfect new addition to your tank. We also have everything from L Number Catfish to Rare Cichlids to the ever popular Betta, we have the perfect fish to delight you, your existing fish, and your guests.
The Aquarium Factory also stocks a massive range of amazing, rare freshwater tropical fish. We stock many species others stores simply don’t stock, as well as all the basic, well known freshwater fish. Our stock updates frequently, so we’ll always have something to suit your new or existing tank! We also stock a wide range of lighting options for your fish tank.
Special Orders
Seasoned fish hobbyists know that some species are only available a few times a year. That’s why they keep a close eye on our stock. We are the first place hobbyists go to find those rare and hard-to-find species.